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- Kristin Gabriel
Page 16
That's when the real test would come. He had to convince everyone he met, especially his new Ladybug Lingerie mentor, that he was a woman. The clock on the wall showed he had less than twenty-four hours to prepare himself for the toughest challenge he'd ever faced. Or, at least, the second toughest.
One that could change his life forever.
* * *
« ^ »
The next morning, Sam stood outside the meeting room at Ladybug Lingerie headquarters, stealthily watching the women who walked inside. So far, none had given him a second glance. Or pointed at him and shouted, "Impostor!" That was a good sign.
From his observation, the Ladybug Lingerie sales force came in all shapes and sizes. There were young women, older women, slender women and, in Marco's words, hippy women. Even a couple who stood six feet tall, the same height as Sam.
Pushing himself off the wall, he tightened his grasp on his new leather handbag and tried to glide into the room. Instead, he tripped on the edge of the rug and almost landed flat on his face. But he caught himself in time, grabbing the edge of the registration table. He could just imagine the scene if he'd fallen. The weight of his body smashing his new bra against the linoleum floor, the two gel cups bursting and flooding the room.
"I know who you are," a feminine voice trilled, breaking into his doomsday reverie.
He looked at the slender African-American woman seated behind the table, the tiny hairs rising on the back of his neck. Was his cover blown already? "You do?"
"Sure. You're the new Ladybug. I can tell, 'cause you look a little nervous."
Sam cleared his throat. "I'm Philomena Gallagher. I was told to report here this morning."
"Welcome to the colony, Philomena. I'm Althea. I've been working here for ten years and I can assure you that there's nothing to be nervous about. I know you'll fit right in."
He took a deep breath. "I hope so."
"Don't worry, hon. We don't send anyone out into the field without plenty of training. You'll be assigned a mentor today. She'll teach you everything you need to know. Probably become best friends along the way, too, since you'll be her shadow for the next seven weeks."
Sam nodded, then realized Althea was staring at him. Had he applied his makeup incorrectly? Put his wig on crooked? "Is anything wrong?"
Althea leaned forward, her brow furrowed as she looked up at him. "No holes."
"Excuse me?" Panic shot through his gut. Had Amy and Marco forgotten something vital in his transformation?
"Your ears," she explained. "They aren't pierced." She reached into a basket and pulled out a pair of ladybug earrings. "Fortunately, I have a few clip-on pairs left. This is a little welcome gift from the company."
"Thank you." He took the earrings from her, noticing she wore an identical pair on her ears. "Should I put them on?"
"Might as well," Althea replied, then hitched her thumb behind her. "There's a mirror over there."
He walked over to the mirror, taking extra care to take shorter steps as Amy had instructed. The earrings were small, but he managed to clip one onto each earlobe without any problem. Then he stared into the mirror, admitting to himself that they didn't look half bad. Even if they pinched almost as badly as his shoes.
The lights dimmed and a voice came over the loudspeaker. "Please take your seats, Ladybugs. It's almost time for the show."
He looked around, then noticed Althea waving to him from a row of chairs lined up in front of a small platform.
"I saved a seat for you," she said, taking the chair next to him.
"What's going on?" he whispered. Music now emanated over the speaker, a soft, sultry jazz tune.
"A Ladybug Lingerie fashion show. We have one of these the first Monday of every month to kick off the business meeting. It's a great way for the sales gang to see all of the newest products."
New products. Would the Seductress Bra be among them? His mission might not turn out to be so hard after all. Sam leaned back in his chair, grateful for the respite. As long as the room was dark, he could let down his guard and forget about playing a woman.
The first model walked down the runway of the makeshift stage, dressed in a long, white nightgown. The moderator described the specifics of the style and fabric. "Kathleen is wearing a white silk peignoir called the Wedding Nighter. Notice the fine lace detailing on the cuffs and hem. This gown is made of one hundred percent raw silk, with tiny sequins adorning the sweetheart bodice."
Althea leaned over to him and whispered, "Kathleen's had four wedding nights and is on the hunt for number five, so that's the perfect gown for her."
Sam nodded, then tried to fold his arms across his chest. Only to find his breasts were in the way. Scowling, he settled for folding his hands on his lap. He felt like an idiot.
Three more models walked across the runway, all in various stages of undress, but none of them wearing the Seductress. Althea shared a morsel of gossip about each one of them.
Then the fourth model appeared on the runway. She was a tall, slender woman in sassy pink baby doll pajamas. Her long legs seemed to go on forever.
He sat up in his chair and watched as she walked across the stage, gliding perfectly, the sexy sway of her hips mesmerizing him. Despite all the extra padding and makeup he wore to make him a woman, his body was reminding him that he was definitely a man.
"That's Lauren McBride," Althea whispered. "She's the hottest new star at Ladybug Lingerie."
Hot was certainly the word to describe her. "I'd love to meet her."
Althea smiled. "I think I can arrange that. Lauren's your new mentor."
Twenty minutes later, Sam learned the true meaning of the word torture. Lauren stood before him, still wearing those delectable baby doll pajamas that revealed so much tantalizing creamy skin that he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Here was the most beautiful, desirable woman he'd ever met and he couldn't do a damn thing about it. His blood pounded in his veins as Althea made the introductions.
"Lauren, this is our newest Ladybug, Philomena Gallagher. She'll be your protégée for the next seven weeks."
Lauren smiled at him and held out one slender hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
He swallowed hard, wishing he could say the same. Pleasure would be peeling off that skimpy pink silk confection and discovering the woman underneath. Kissing those succulent lips would go beyond pleasure into the realms of pure ecstasy. A fantasy that, considering the circumstances, would have to remain a fantasy.
Sam reached out to shake her hand, remembering just in time to temper his grip. "I'm looking forward to working with you."
"I've never been a mentor before," Lauren informed him, withdrawing her hand much too soon. "So you'll have to be patient with me. And please ask questions. I'll do my best to answer them."
He'd love to ask her a few questions. Was she involved with anyone? Did she always wear that subtle, tantalizing perfume that was teasing his nostrils? Were her eyes really that blue?
But those question were much too personal. This was business. Strictly business. Sam needed to remember that. He also needed to keep in mind that for the next four weeks, women were off limits. Even a woman as incredible as Lauren McBride.
Another Ladybug tapped Lauren on the shoulder, turning her attention away from him for a moment. It gave Sam a little time to collect himself. And to consider that perhaps his attraction to her was simply a matter of forbidden fruit. Did knowing he couldn't act on his desires make them that much stronger? Such a possibility eased his anxiety a little. Especially since he was usually drawn to women who were only interested in good time and nothing more, like the three who had picked him up off the road yesterday.
It only took one glance at Lauren to tell she wasn't that kind of girl. Even if she was dressed for the part. No doubt if he'd met her under different circumstances, she wouldn't have this kind of effect on him.
But when she turned to face him once again, flashing a dazzling smile, his body quickl
y countermanded that argument. His job was going to be even more difficult than he'd imagined.
A bell chimed, indicating the meeting was about to begin. Lauren motioned for him to follow her, then headed for one of the tables set up in a U-shaped formation.
Sam wobbled for a moment on his heels, his mind more on the pleasurable rear view of his new mentor then his task of walking and acting like a woman. Forcing himself to look away, he took small, gliding steps toward the empty chair beside her and sat down.
A woman with a towering beehive of grey and black hair stood at a podium at the front. He knew from the huge portrait hanging in the foyer of the building that this was the founder of the company, Tina Chavez.
"Good morning, Ladybugs." Mrs. Chavez wore the ladybug earrings, as well as a huge ladybug brooch on the lapel of her jacket. "We've got a lot to do today, so let's get started. Our first order of business is to introduce the newest Ladybug to our colony. Everyone please give a warm welcome to Mrs. Philomena Gallagher."
Mrs. Chavez led the applause, then motioned for Sam to stand up. "Please tell us a little about yourself, Mrs. Gallagher."
They all turned to look at Sam. He stood up, hoping his wig was on straight and his breasts were even. Then he cleared his throat. "Thank you, Mrs. Chavez. And please call me Philomena. All my friends do."
This brought smiles to all the faces in the room. Sam took a deep breath and forged ahead with the phony background Cooper had written up on his job application. "I'm recently divorced and back in the job force for the first time in twenty years, so I'm a little rusty."
"Aren't we all?" Althea chimed, to the amusement of the group.
Sam smiled. "I'm looking forward to learning more about the company and to selling the products. I've always been a big admirer of Ladybug Lingerie."
"Do you have a favorite design?" Mrs. Chavez asked.
Almost against his will, Sam's gaze turned to Lauren, still clad in the baby doll pajamas. From his vantage point, he could see the curve of her right breast and the cleft of her generous cleavage. A sweat broke out on his brow. "I really like what Lauren is wearing."
Tina nodded approvingly. "One of our most popular designs. Now in a new array of lovely pastel colors. Thank you, Philomena. We're very happy to have you here."
Sam sat down, his knees wobbly.
"Good job," Lauren whispered. "Mrs. Chavez designed these baby dolls herself, so you just scored a few points."
He pushed his glasses up on his nose, trying not look at her again. "Thanks. Are you going to … change?"
"As soon as the meeting is over." She glanced at her watch. "Then it will be time for lunch. Are you free? I know a great deli just around the corner. If we talk Ladybug business, I can put it on my expense account."
"Sounds great." Sam was certain he could handle being around Lauren once she was decently covered. A man could only take so much temptation.
Even a man wearing lipstick and a bra.
"How's your sandwich, Philomena?" Lauren asked, seated across from her at a corner table in the delicatessen. Her new protégée had been strangely quiet.
"Just fine," she replied. "How's yours?"
"Good." So much for conversation. Lauren picked up a potato chip, wondering how to break through the older woman's shell. She knew how tough a divorce could be. How difficult it was to start your entire life over again. Probably even more so for Philomena, who had been a housewife for the last twenty years. Was it any wonder that she acted so stiff and self-conscious?
"I enjoyed the fashion show today," Philomena said, breaking her silence at last. "Although I was hoping I might see the Seductress bra. I've heard so much about it."
Lauren nodded. "It's the company's best-kept secret. I haven't even seen one myself yet, although Mrs. Chavez promised to have the manufacturer ship one of the prototypes to me now that I'm a mentor."
"Interesting," Philomena said, taking another bite of her sandwich.
"So tell me about yourself." Lauren reached for her soda. "Do you have any children?"
Philomena shook her head. "No. I can't, I mean … we were never able to have children."
"I'm sorry."
"No problem." Philomena gave a hapless shrug, then turned back to her king-size sandwich. She certainly had a healthy appetite.
"I ate a lot after my divorce, too," Lauren blurted, then realized a second too late how rude it sounded. "I'm sorry … I didn't mean…"
"No, that's all right," Philomena assured her. "You're divorced?"
Lauren nodded. "Almost two years now. Funny, it seems longer."
"So, are you … seeing anyone now?"
"No. I've dated a few times, but I guess I have a case of cold feet." She broke a potato chip in half. "In fact, I have a confession to make. I had an ulterior motive when I invited you to lunch."
She nodded. "Chuck, my ex-husband, asked me to meet him here today. He wants to talk about reconciling. As a lawyer, his arguments are pretty persuasive."
Philomena stilled, then slowly lowered her sandwich to her plate. "So you're considering it?"
Lauren shook her head, wondering why she felt so at ease confiding in a person she just met. Perhaps it was the age difference—seeking the wisdom of an older woman. Or maybe it was their common bonds—both divorced, both employees at Ladybug Lingerie. Whatever the reason she felt an odd connection to Philomena. She sensed a quiet strength in the woman that she found comforting.
"Not really," she admitted at last. "Although, I have to admit Chuck's arguments can be convincing. Especially since I've been striking out where men are considered. And I suppose it would be one way to fulfill my New Year's resolution."
"New Year's resolution?" Philomena picked up her soda and took a sip.
She blushed. "It's nothing. I shouldn't have even brought it up."
"Now you've really piqued my curiosity."
A blush warmed her cheeks. "It's just a silly vow I made to find a man to sleep with before the year is out."
Philomena spit soda halfway across the table, then began to cough. Lauren reached over and began patting her on the back. "Are you all right?"
The woman nodded, taking a deep gulp of air. "Fine. The soda just went down the wrong way."
"I hope you weren't offended by what I said. I mean, I know it sounds a little … odd, but…" Her voice trailed off. How could she explain the reasoning behind such an unusual resolution. The near panic that had assailed her every time she went on a date. The fear that she might never know the thrill of falling in love again.
And she wanted to fall in love. Wanted to marry again someday and have a family, as well as a career in teaching. Despite everything she'd been through, Lauren still truly believed in happily-ever-after.
Philomena cleared her throat. "Please don't apologize. I'm glad you told me. So … any eligible candidates yet? Besides your ex-husband?"
Lauren smiled. "Not really."
"That surprises me."
"I just haven't found the right one, if you know what I mean."
"I think I do."
"How about you, Philomena? Any men on your romantic horizon?"
"Absolutely not."
Lauren blinked at the intensity in her tone. "Oh. Is it still too soon?"
She nodded vehemently. "Absolutely. Much too soon. I don't even want to think about it."
"I was the same way," Lauren confided. "Too worried about finding a place of my own and making ends meet to have time to think about men."
"That's it, exactly. I'm still trying to adjust to this new … lifestyle."
Lauren remembered her own confusion and chronic indecision during the first weeks after her divorce. She never wanted to go through anything like that again. Which was just one more reason to keep Chuck in the past.
As if on cue, he walked through the door of the deli, looking around until he spotted her. Then he waved and started walking to the table. She could feel herself tense up. Despite her determ
ination to maintain control, Chuck always seemed able to keep her off balance. Make her doubt herself.
"Here he comes," Lauren whispered to Philomena. "I'm sorry to put you in the middle of all of this."
"No problem," Philomena replied, pushing her empty paper plate away.
"Hello, Lauren," Chuck said with a smile. "You look gorgeous, as usual."
Lauren forced a smile. "Hi, Chuck. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, Philomena Gallagher. Philomena, this is Chuck McBride."
They shook hands, Chuck wincing slightly.
"Wow, that's some grip you have there, Mrs. Gallagher. You must pump iron?"
"As a matter of fact, I do. Although sometimes I use lawyers instead of barbells."
Chuck blinked, then looked at Lauren and burst out laughing. "She's a hoot. Where did you find her?"
Lauren took a deep breath, hoping her new protégée wouldn't think she was nuts. "Philomena's my new roommate."
* * *
« ^ »
Sam followed Lauren out of the deli, wishing she'd slow down a little. He still wasn't used to walking in heels.
"I'm sorry, Philomena," Lauren said, obviously still agitated by the meeting with her ex-husband. "I had no right to involve you in my problems. It's just that Chuck is so…"
"Pushy?" Sam interjected. "Annoying? Obtuse?"
She laughed. "I suppose some people might see him like that."
"But not you?"
She shrugged. "He's always been a little insecure. I think he tries to compensate and that can give people the wrong impression about him."
"I think you're too kind."
"And as for that part about being my new roommate," she slowed and turn to face him, "I just said it because Chuck's been showing up at my place uninvited recently. I was hoping it might make him back off a little."
"No problem." Sam looked down to make certain his breasts were even. So far, so good.